Monday, July 2, 2012


I don't really feel like sleeping. I should probably go to sleep though, I have to be up at 10 am to go see a house.

I like searching for things. I hate how hard it is to find things. Building a tool to make it easy to find what you're looking for is something I want to do. I could be passionate about that.

It's so hot outside this summer, the weather is supposed to be thunderstorms all week with the temperature in the mid 90's. 

I met this really cool girl who worked in my hotel in London, her name is Glaiza. She would talk to me every morning and give me tips about going around the city or answer questions I had about what I was going to see/do that day. I liked the interaction with her, it was nice. I didn't really get to say goodbye, kind of annoying.

Heart skipped a beat, but when I caught it you were out of reach. But I'm sure, I'm sure, you've heard it before. 

I went and saw 3 houses today, sort of. One of them we were given an official tour by the woman renting it and it was awesome. Beautiful old Victorian home that would be really great to live in. But it was a bedroom short and pretty expensive, also, no pets allowed. Probably kicking it off the list because of these reasons. Another, we talked with the woman who is renting it, she sent us a bunch of pictures, and we drove past the actual house and it was pretty awesome, but the drawbacks are it's a little out of the way, and with everything she wants up front, first and last months rent, pet fees, security deposit, it adds up to 5 grand. That's a little rough. The third place, is Prison Cottage. That's the name we gave it because it's fucking creepy. It's a big stone building with "7" bedrooms. We called the guy renting it but didn't get an answer and so we drove by the house to check it out and ended up walking around it and trying the door and it was open, so we did the normal thing and went ahead with the B&E. We didn't really break in, the door was open so we just stepped in for a minute to look around, it was completely empty and really, really creepy. Probably can't live in Prison Cottage.

The place we're going to see tomorrow, I have a feeling, won't be that great. I want to live with the people I intend to live with but also with Marlon and Nick Jones. Marlon is moving into the dorm at this point, and Nick Jones is going home. I really don't want that to happen. I'm pretty upset about it, actually. 

London was wonderful. I wish I had spent a little less time in my head and a little more time on the street. Not that I didn't enjoy myself, but, I can be introspective for weeks, even months at a time and then look up and realize that I've wasted quite a period.

I need to do work. I'm going to start testing a coding evaluation system that the department is going to use for the undergraduate intro CS class for Dr. Berry and Dr. Vander Zanden, but I need a personal project to be completed soon, or at least a lot of work put into one, so I don't drive myself crazy. Henry Miller is the man. I need to write more, and draw more, and read more, and play more music.

Last night, I swallowed liquor and a lighter, and this morning I threw up fire. But it's nothing new, I've been piecing it together it's got something to do with...

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