Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pascal Campion

I found an artist and his name is Pascal Campion and quite frankly, he's a genius. He manages to capture these beautiful moments in life in a style that is utterly... me. I am in love with the drawings. Especially the ones involving his family. It embodies so many things that I want, and it helps that the drawings of his wife make me think of Aneliese. All of his drawings even though they look simple are so wonderfully complex, especially in color and lighting. I want him to teach me how to do it. I absolutely love it. You can find his work at his blog and his website.

It's literally just so good.

It's the way you love me

Hello stranger, thought I wouldn't be back huh?

Sunday I drove all day and it was pretty excruciating; however, I had an excellent talk with Courtney, everyone is therapy now because I am basically practicing self therapy by talking to others about how I feel. It works.
The night was relatively uneventful. I went to Michael's and bought a new sketchbook and pencils, and then made an attempt at drawing the Best Buy while sitting in my car. It was pretty relaxing but the picture was terrible. That's ok. I'm glad I'm drawing again, it makes me happy. I really like design. I want to design things. Houses, buildings, electronics. I really like design.

I want to make things.

Monday was sort of uneventful, I thought I was going to get to see Aneliese for a little while but it ended up not working out, such is life. We talked on skype for something like 5 hours, and on the phone for maybe a half hour or so before that. It was an incredible conversation because she opened up to me. I love her.

Today was uneventful. I was productive at work, but not too productive. I think I want to design a tablet. I feel like there is still a lot of room in that space for a product that will make people happy and not cost as much as an iPad.

I want to create an Apple. It's nonsense for there to be only one company like Apple.

OK. That's enough arrogance seeping out for one night. I am going to continue to draw and think. :)

By the way, I got new shoes, I saw the Clarks in person and I didn't really like them but then found these:

yay :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Good Day

Black Friday! haha :)

Today was actually an incredibly good day. This morning I had breakfast with my mom and step-dad, showered, and watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. After hanging around a while I finally woke up Thomas, my little brother, and we went shopping. Which really means we went people watching and discussed men's fashion, we both have an incredible affinity for these two things. I did, however, find some pants, which is awesome. I also got my haircut and bought some new shirts and a pair of shoes. My mom spoils me :>.

After that trek around, which took like 8 hours, I packed up some stuff and hit the road and I drove down to Nashville to have dinner and hangout with Devon, my best friend. We went to The Tavern which is this incredibly chic restaurant that servers beer brewed in Nashville, I had Yazoo Pale Ale, which was actually really good, even though I'm pretty picky about new beers. I had some pretty amazing fish tacos, which is actually one of my favorite dishes to try at random restaurants, so I was happy they were there.

This is Devon in The Tavern.

We had a really good chat about how people need to escape Clarksville. The place is just a life suck. There is next to nothing there, no one is forward thinking and there is no innovation. It's really kind of sad. People just live and die there, I feel like the world could exist without the place entirely. Places like that shouldn't exist. I want everywhere to add value to the world. I am probably being a little too critical. Well, probably not.

After we had dinner we went to Cafe Coco and had beer/coffee/Lemon Berry cake. Lemon berry cake is glorious, haha.

Devon in Cafe Coco taking a picture of his food to put on Tumblr with Instagram, haha, caughtcha!

We talked about boys... and girls. And relationships. It was good, I miss being around my best friend constantly. I'm so happy.

Friday, November 25, 2011


After a relatively successful Thanksgiving, getting to see friends and doing lots of writing I feel pretty happy. I think I'm going to go buy pants today because I have several pairs of shorts to wear during spring/summer but I only own a couple of pairs of jeans and am in dire need of some brown or color in my life. I really want to go through my clothes and minimize what I have to just a few things. But I want to be happy with what I have, and I think that I might need to add these shoes to my wardrobe before I will be truly happy. hahahahahahha :)

Clarks Originals Men's Desert Boot

Creative Recreation Men's Liggio

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Free Hand Art

A picture I did free hand of Aneliese, my girlfriend. I find drawing is a good stress relief. I've been wanting to post this one.

Thanksgiving and Resolutions

I have removed all the posts from my "old blog" and have changed the subtitle of my blog from "Living life anxiously" to "Living life happily". There is so much I want out of life and starting this Thanksgiving I have some resolutions, granted I'm about 35 days early.

Firstly, I absolutely refuse to be unhappy anymore. I am done with not being productive in my free time. I am done not accomplishing the things I want. I am done trying to see too far ahead of myself. I am resolving myself to actually live the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It is officially my mantra. I will be optimistic, and will not let anxiety or depression take over my life. I will be happy.

Secondly, I will set goals and accomplish them. So here is a short list of things I want to accomplish, not necessarily in this order, and of course some can be done simultaneously but I digress:
    Be a better programmer.
    Be healthier.
    Learn Piano.
    Learn Japanese, Thai, and Spanish fluently.
    Take time to read, write, and draw more.
Looking at it, that is a very manageable list, I'll waste no time.

Thirdly, I will put myself first and be strong for myself. That one is honestly probably one of the hardest because my nature is to put others first. Especially people I love. But I will be working hard at this.

It is Thanksgiving, and I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for so I need to write about that for a minute. Actually, let me tell you about something that I do sometimes when I'm feeling down. It will probably be the title of my book should I ever write one. I think "I have a car". I'll be driving down the road and I will look out my side view mirror and I will see the side of my car. When I see it I will think about how good my life really is. I drive a 2007 Ford Escape. It's actually pretty nice. I have a wonderful girlfriend. I'm smart. I'm in school. I have a great job. Now, all of those things while not perfect are still in my life. I have them. When I think about this I feel so much better. My life is so good and could be so much worse. My anxiety and stress goes out the window, and it is so nice to think about and be thankful for all of the wonderful things I have. Just writing this I am happy.

That's pretty much it. I resolve to lead a happier life and be a stronger person. I hope to keep this updated with my progress of my goals, and just with my life.

I want so badly to believe that there is truth, that love is real. And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.